On the Interwebs, number 17

A JPEG Encoder for JavaScript — Just what it says. Pretty amazing feat actually. Javascript is really coming along these days!

A short PayPal horror story — I have not had a good experience with using PayPal as a vendor either. From this day forth, when presented with an option on checking out I am not longer going to choose PayPal.

24 Ways — 24 Ways is back this year, and has some good stuff. 24 Ways is a CSS advent calendar with 24 articles on CSS, one a day until Christmas.

Performance Advent Calendar 2009 — Inspired by 24 Ways, but about performance.

Ditz — Issue tracker intended to be embeded in your source. I love this idea.

ImageOptim — Just what it says: “ImageOptim optimizes images — so they take up less disk space and load faster.” Dead simple and works well.

JavaScript Charts Roundup — Summarizes different javascript libraries for graphing. I’ll be looking at this for a project I started a little while ago.